Spent the last week of October in Key West during Fantasy Festival. I've had several people tell me I needed to see it at least once in my life, so this was the week. I rented a house several blocks off Duval Street, and met Patrick and Chris shortly after arrival. We then met up with Jerry, Barbara, Judy, Joe and Pat for dinner, before heading to Duval Street to witness the very crazy happenings. Later in the week we were also joined by Sherry, Terry, Lindsey, Alycia and Scott. Below are a selection of pictures taken during the week. Some contain what I will simply call "artistic nudity", so use your own discretion.
Blind Airline Pilots.jpg |
Come on in, the Water is Fine.jpg |
Dance with Me Baby.jpg |
Finger Painted Ladies and Pirate Noel.jpg |
Green Lantern Saves Young Girl in Chains.jpg |
Hey Babe, nice Paint Job.jpg |
Hey You, No Pictures.jpg |
It's only the Guy that won't show his face.jpg |
Jerry and Noel.jpg |
Joe, Pat, Judy at poolside.jpg |
Judy, Jerry, Noel at Poolside.jpg |
Jungle Jane and Green Lantern.jpg |
Never Too Old to Have Fun.jpg |
Nice Looking Couple having Fun.jpg |
Nice Paint Job.jpg |
Nicely Done.jpg |
No Idea.jpg |
Noel as Pirate.jpg |
Noel is Green Lantern Pic.jpg |
Noel is Green Lantern.jpg |
Noel, Gay Guy, Sherry.jpg |
Paint and Makeup.jpg |
Patrick and unknown couple.jpg |
Patrick the Arab and Flight Attendants.jpg |
Patrick the Mad Hatter and Sherry.jpg |
Patrick, Sherry, Noel.jpg |
Pretty Girl and Patrick.jpg |
Scary Face.jpg |
SEC Football Umpire.jpg |
She Loves Me.jpg |
Sherry and Brother Terry.jpg |
Sherry and Mr Hunk.jpg |
Sherry and Scary Noel.jpg |
Sherry and Wolfman.jpg |
Sherry and YIKES.jpg |
Sherry Please Step Away Quickly.jpg |
Some of Key West's Finest.jpg |
Sunglasses at Night.jpg |
Superman Fan Club.jpg |
The Group Viewing Pics from Night Before.jpg |
There's someone for everyone.jpg |
Wow, what a ride.jpg |